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Platax teira

Platax teira

Platax Teira is also known as the teira batfish, longfin batfish, longfin spadefish, or round faced batfish. How did this NFT underwater shot happen? How hard is it to capture a relatively big Fish like the Platax teira? We had…

Coral Propagation

Coral propagation

How does Coral propagation work? Corals are an important part of our Reefs! We know our forests on land need attention and reforestation but most of us don’t know that we can do similar below the water surface to help…

NFT Photography for a good cause


The utility for our NFT Photography is to put a 100% back into our Marine Life Conservation Projects. Watch this video I explain where Your Donation and income of the sale of our Underwater NFT Photography is going. You can…


net reef entangled

For the NFTCLeanUpDay We have been at the local Islands and cleaned up a huge abandoned fishing net. NFTCLeanUpDay with the Ocean Bandits What’s the Problem with abandoned fishing nets? Fishers are fishing to close to reefs where there are…

Ocean Bandits NFT

Ocean bandits 2

The Ocean Bandits NFT are a great bunch of people who are concerned about our fragile and precious Marine Life. Their concept will positively affect Marine Life Conservation. The Ocean Bandits is an NFT Collection which changes the game to…

Our Oceans are in trouble

Ocean Love Sunset

So many people still believe that everything is fine underwater but our oceans are in trouble! Most people just see the beautiful blue water surface and think it’s all peace, joy, pancakes and so act like it! Unfortunately, I have…