Marine Conservation Project Nr. 1
Abandoned Fishing Net removal
What's the Problem?
Fishers are fishing to close to reefs where there are branching Corals and their Nets will get entangled in. they are not able to bring them back in the boat and will cut the nets off on the surface abandoning them.
Because it's easier and cheaper to cut a stuck fishing net off on the surface then to dive down and cut it out of the entangled Corals.
It kills Marine Life long after it was abandoned!
Post entanglement can kill marine life over the next 20 years after it was abandoned
Removing the Nets from the reef which is long and hard work but essential. Educating Fishers.
Marine Conservation Project Nr. 2

Surface Rubbish Collection
Not all Rubbish sinks to the seafloor some drift in the middle some sink and some are floating at the surface!
We collect Surface Rubbish and dispose it correctly!
We humans produce such a huge amount of rubbish, per person about 2.2 kg every single day.
2.2 kg x 8billion people x 365 days = 5.8 billion tons of rubbish.
We humans already throw an estimated 8.1 Mio. tons of rubbish in the oceans every year!
Marine Conservation Project Nr. 3
Underwater Cleanups
The Rubbish we find on our Dives is devastating and often a huge problem for Marine life. We have found Car Batteries, Oil tanks, Numerous plastics and much more you can see our videos on our YouTube Channel.

Marine Conservation Project Nr. 4

Coral Propagation
What's the Problem?
Corals are dying quickly. Due to many impacts especially boat anchors, people standing on Corals, Fishing nets and habitat loss due to untreated wastewater and building site wash off.
Corals are slow growing! The fastest Coral is the Staghorn Coral which grows around 1cm per year. The slowest Coral are the Gorgonias Sea Fans which grow about 1mm per year. In perspective Bamboo can grow up to 10cm per Day.
Healthy Corals means healthy reefs
If there are no Corals there are no Fish. Coral Reefs are important for the Oceans health.
We started a Coral Propagation project a few years back which is still ongoing. We planted over 2000 Corals by now. The Button below links you to a Video where you can see our Coral Propagation Project an
Marine Conservation Project Nr. 5

Permanent Anchor Buoy
The big problem on our reefs without permanent anchor ropes Boats throwing their own Anchors into the reef and destroying Corals. Boats want to stay as close as possible to the reefs and therefore throw their own anchor into the water and often on to corals which do get destroyed.
But it's not only throwing the anchor it's also the dragging of the boat due to waves and current where the anchor drags over the ground and takes corals with it and kills them.
Marine Conservation Project Nr. 6
Installing and maintaining
Ropes are magnets for fishing nets due to the barnacles growing on them, if not removed and cleaned up from the barnacles the rope would be to heavy and sink!
We do install and maintain permanent anchor ropes with buoys so boats can hook onto them, but they often get cut off due to fisherman can use them for their fishing net or sometimes are ripped off due to wind waves and tear. Unfortunately this is costing a lot of money. We do teach the boat drivers but that's not as easy as it sounds.
Follow the link and see a Video on how it works!

Marine Conservation Project Nr. 7
Fishing Trawlers
What's the Problem?
25% of all the world's fish stocks are either over-exploited or depleted. Another 52% is fully exploited, these are in imminent danger of over-exploitation (maximum sustainable production level) and collapse. This means a total of almost 80% of the world's fisheries are fully- or over-exploited, depleted, or in a state of collapse.
Worldwide about 90% of the stocks of large predatory fish are already gone.
We are losing species as well as entire ecosystems, as a result the overall ecological unity of our oceans are under stress and at risk of collapse.
Fishing is not controlled
Fishing is always overlooked by the Departments and there are no or very minimal controls
Education is the key here. Unfortunately it's very hard to get the community together.

Marine Conservation Project Nr. 8
Beach Cleanup
What's the Problem?
Rubbish gets washed onto to the beach from the Ocean as well as from Land. If not collected it will end up in the Ocean or breaks down to such small pieces we can't see with our naked eye called Micro-plastics
Plastic needs hundreds of years to disappear if at all!
It kills Marine Life due to ingestion and entanglement
Man-made plastic and microplastics have killed many marine and land animals. Accidental swallowing and tangling! Unfortunately, nobody feels responsible for this! The animals either starve to death or can no longer fly or swim freely.
We almost do daily Beach cleanups to remove rubbish and plastic from the beach!
We collect usually around 20Kg per day.
Which makes around 600kg per month and 7200 Kg a year!
Here you will find nature conservation measures that you can do from home!
We need the Ocean she protects us!
We live in such abundance that we don't see it anymore! So much food, water, electric…..etc. all the time.
So what's the solution to this?
What can you do from home to help Marine Conservation Projects? Here are some tips.
These are only a few steps there are many more! Let us know in the comments what you do to protect our Oceans?!
Eat less Fish and Meat
Try to eat more vegetables, salad and fruits instead of fish and meat every day. you'll feel the difference after a few month!
Do not throw your rubbish over board or on the side of the street eventually it’ll end up in our Oceans.
Watch our recommended Documentaries
Bring your own jute Bag or reusable Bag to the Market
Safe Water
Turn off the water while soaping under the shower.
Buy our NFT Pictures
All income goes back into our Marine Life Conservation Projects.
Reusable Plastic container
Use reusable coffee mugs and plastic boxes. Reusable cutlery
Lower your own standards and carbon footprint
Turn off lights which are not needed.
Leave your car at home and take a walk or a bicycle.
Eat Fish only from sustainable resources
Know where and how the fish has been caught! Fish which is on the brink of extinction like the Bluefin Tuna is really bad for the environment! Here is a guide on what Fish you can eat!
Don’t go to the Gym by car and then sit on the bike to warm up. How about taking a bike ride to the gym?
Support our Marine Life Conservation Projects with your Donation
Shark Fin Soup
Do not eat Shark Fin Soup. Millions of Sharks get killed in a horrible way! Watch the Documentary "Sharkwater"
Recycle if possible
Recycle or upcycle your garbage. Make compost out of your food leftovers.
Help us to remove 10.000 kg of rubbish by 31st of August 2024
Rescue the Ocean with your Purchase!
You’d like to support us in our marine conservation projects, but don’t have much time?
All income goes towards our Marine Life Conservation Projects!
Have a look at our other merchandise and support our Marine Life Conservation Projects with your purchase!
Interested in joining us as a Marine Life Conservation Volunteer?
Check it out here
Scuba Diving
Are you interested in Scuba Diving? Come join us at Poseidon Dive Center and do your Dive Course or Join us for a FunDive as a certified Diver.