Platax teira

Platax teira

Platax Teira is also known as the teira batfish, longfin batfish, longfin spadefish, or round faced batfish. How did this NFT underwater shot happen?

Platax teira

How hard is it to capture a relatively big Fish like the Platax teira?

We had a great Dive at Viking Cave where there is an artificial reef and most of the time we can find Teira Batfish hanging out there getting themself cleaned up. It’s wonderful to watch them as they are very calm and not very shy.

If you are calm underwater, you can approach Platax teira slowly, without them swimming away, they don’t really mind till you get to a certain distance.

Often the problem in Underwater photography is that the fish is showing you the tail, that’s due to their flight stage as obviously they want to swim away from you, it is much harder to get a portrait or a side shot but nobody wants to see a tail, right?!

DSC08511 Teira Batfish

So as I was approaching the 30cm long Platax teira it was looking straight into the camera but as the closer I came the more it turned away so I took this first Picture from a farther distance, just to make sure I had one in the box.

DSC08513 Teira BatFish

So I stopped and stood still and waited in the water trying to breath very shallow and slow because they are also scared of bubbles. It did make a complete 360° and came back towards me, until it turned away again and that’s when I took this Picture.

Platax teira

When I took the final Picture it was just standing still in this position. Looking at me and probably thinking: “what the hell are you, blowing bubbles having flashy thing in front of you and wearing a weird dress!” 😂 At least that’s what its face tells me doesn’t it?

We don’t want to mention the 2 blurry pictures that I took in between 😉




Platax teira

is usually silver, grey or brownish. It has a blackish band through the eye and another band with the pectoral fin. They will change color from silvery white with no bands, to brown with darker banding as you watch, and then fade back to silver again. The juvenile Platax teira looks completely different in shape and color.

Edition: 1/1

License: The primary NFT owner may use it in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays as long as attribution is credited. The creator grants no rights to create commercial goods, commercial distribution or derivative works. The copyright remains with the creator Daniel Sasse.

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To give you a brief idea of the diversity of our work, I would like to introduce you to a few of our environmental protection projects we have implemented,

  • We conducted Fish and invertebrate count and surveys, identifying and documentation of fish diversity, monitoring water quality changes, dissection of deceased fish for plastic detection in tissues and digestive organs.
  • I was able to achieve great success with our project of coral propagation (restoration and reconstruction of coral reefs). I have been an instructor for CP since 2014 and so over time 2000 new corals have been planted. For this I received an award from the organization “Ocean Quest” and “Sea Shepherd Dive”. Newly planted corals the size of a pinhead are monitored with underwater photography. Success rate of 93%.
  • Numerous implementations of underwater clean-up dives and their organization. Every month we collect over 500 kg of garbage from the sea floor. The future vision is to specifically recycle the plastic waste and use it to produce anchor buoys. To document this, both photos and videos are used.
  • Construction and setting of permanent anchor buoys so that boats no longer throw their own anchors into the reef and thereby destroy corals. *We train our volunteers to become scientific scuba divers, I teach marine biology, shark protection, coral propagation and underwater clean-up courses.
  • Our latest Project is our shark protection project. Due to habitat loss and bad media, we systematically educate the population, counting as well as taking pictures and videos are needed for the identification and to create Databases, to protect biodiversity.

Thank you very much and with your purchase you are protecting a piece of our fragile oceans!

Sincerely your Daniel Sasse

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